Core Components
Render items listing with dynamic options.
Example in layout.json
"component": "smarty.SmartResourceList",
"props": {
"key": "smarty.SmartResourceList",
"hasFilter": true,
"module_name": "blog",
"resource_name": "blog",
"actionName": "viewAll",
"extraItemProps": {
"alignment": "right"
"skeletonComponent": {
"component": ""
"emptyComponent": {
"component": "ui.EmptyList",
"props": {
"label": "no_blogs_found",
"action": {
"label": "add_new_item",
"sub_label": "start_adding_new_items_by_create_new_stuffs",
"value": "addItem",
"params": {
"module_name": "blog",
"resource_name": "blog"
"showWhen": ["and", ["truthy", ""]]
Name | Type | Default | Description |
module_name | string | Name of the module. | |
resource_name | string | Name of the resource. | |
actionName | string | The name of the action when calling the API backend. This requires module_name and resource_name . | |
startReload | boolean | false | Whether to reload the list items initially. |
dataSource | object | The data source object. | |
deprecatedDataSource | object | The deprecated data source object. | |
dataSourceApiVersion | string | The API version of the data source. | |
limit | number | The limit on the number of items in the list. | |
canLoadMore | boolean | true | Whether more items can be loaded into the list. |
useAnimation | boolean | false | Whether to use GestureHandlerFlatList from react-native-gesture-handler (opens in a new tab). |
useNavigationScrollHeader | boolean | false | Whether to use FlatList from react-native-reanimated (opens in a new tab). |
useBottomSheetFlatList | boolean | false | Whether to use BottomSheetFlatList from @gorhom/bottom-sheet (opens in a new tab). |
skeletonComponent | object | The component to display while loading data from the API. |
Render tab view.
Example in layout.json
"component": "smarty.SmartTabs",
"props": {
"key": "smarty.SmartTabs",
"tabsRefreshEnabled": true,
"headerComponent": {
"component": "ui.UserHeaderInfoBlock",
"props": {
"key": "ui.UserHeaderInfoBlock",
"module_name": "user",
"resource_name": "user",
"actionName": "viewItem"
"tabs": [
"component": "smarty.SmartResourceList",
"props": {
"title": "blog",
"module_name": "blog",
"resource_name": "blog",
"actionName": "viewAll",
"skeletonComponent": {
"component": ""
"emptyComponent": {
"component": "ui.EmptyList",
"props": {
"label": "no_blogs_found"
"showOneTab": false,
"tabBarStyle": {
"width": "auto"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tabsRefreshEnabled | boolean | false | Allow to refresh each tab separately. |
tabBarStyle | viewStyle | Style for the tab bar container. | |
tabContainerStyle | viewStyle | Style for the tab container . | |
tabs | Array<SomeComponent> | The array of tab components. Must be a child of SmartTabs component. | |
isFull | boolean | The object that contains API data source for the component. Must be a child of SmartTabs component. | |
showOneTab | boolean | true | Show only one tab at a time. If set to false , all tabs will be shown. |
scrollEnabled | boolean | true | Enable or disable scroll for the tab bar. If set to false , the tab bar will not be scrollable. |
headerComponent | ReactComponent | Component for the header of the tab bar. Must be a child of SmartTabs component. | |
tabBarComponent | ReactComponent | ui.SmartTabsTabBar | Component for the tab bar. Must be a child of SmartTabs component. |
This block represents a list of items related to the current module. It is used to display a list of items with various properties and actions.
Example in layout.json
"component": "smarty.SmartListBlock",
"props": {
"key": "smarty.SmartListBlock",
"horizontal": true,
"title": "similar_blogs",
"itemView": "",
"moduleName": "blog",
"resourceName": "blog",
"actionName": "viewSimilar",
"limit": 10,
"customAction": {
"key": "viewAll",
"icon": "angle-right",
"router": "viewItemListing",
"headerTitleForActionScreen": "similar_blogs"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
moduleName | string | Name of the module.(required ) | |
resourceName | string | Name of the resource.(required ) | |
actionName | string | The name of the action when calling the API backend.(required ) | |
itemView | string | Name of the component that will be used to render each item in the list. Must be a component that is registered in the ui module.(required ) | |
limit | number | The limit on the number of items in the list. | |
horizontal | boolean | Whether to show the list in a horizontal or vertical orientation. | |
customAction | object | The custom action object that will be used to render the custom action button. | |
canLoadMore | boolean | false | Whether more items can be loaded into the list. |
This component will render a scrollable content in a tab. It is used to display a scrollable content when use SmartTabs
Example in layout.json
"component": "smarty.SmartScrollIntab",
"props": {
"key": "smarty.SmartScrollIntab",
"components": [
"component": "ui.ProfileInformationBlock",
"props": {
"key": "ui.ProfileInformationBlock",
"title": "information"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tabs | Array<SomeComponent> | The array of tab components. Must be a child of SmartScrollIntab component. |
Header for home listing.
Example in layout.json
"component": "ui.ModuleHeader",
"props": {
"key": "ui.ModuleHeader",
"title": "all_blogs",
"rightButtons": [
"component": "ui.HeaderRightButton",
"props": {
"key": "searchItem",
"icon": "search-o",
"value": "searchItem",
"params": {
"module_name": "blog",
"resource_name": "blog"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | Title of header. This is the text that will be displayed in the header. | |
isTitleOnly | boolean | false | If set to true, only the title will be displayed in the header. |
rightButtons | <ReactComponent> | Display view right header. This can be an array of components or a single component. Example: { "component": "ui.HeaderRightButton", "props": { ... } } |
Header for detail item.
Example in layout.json
"component": "ui.HeaderItemDetail",
"props": {
"key": "ui.HeaderItemDetail",
"title": "blog",
"menuName": "detailActionMenu"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | Title of header. This is the text that will be displayed in the header. | |
isTitleOnly | boolean | false | If set to true, only the title will be displayed in the header. |
menuName | string | detailActionMenu | Name of the menu to be used for actions related to the detail view. |
back | boolean | true | If set to true, a back button will be displayed on the left side of the header. |
rightButtons | <ReactComponent> | Display view right header. This can be an array of components or a single component. Example: { "component": "ui.HeaderRightButton", "props": { ... } } |
Example in layout.json
"component": "ui.SimpleHeader",
"props": {
"key": "ui.SimpleHeader",
"title": "blog"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | Title of header. This is the text that will be displayed in the header. | |
rightButtons | <ReactComponent> | Display view right header. This can be an array of components or a single component. Example: { "component": "ui.HeaderRightButton", "props": { ... } } |
Title field of an item.
const [ItemTitle] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemTitle']);
<ItemTitle title={item.title} item={item} />;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | title of the item.(required ) | |
fontWeight | string | bold | Name of the resource. |
preset | string | h1 | The name of the action when calling the API backend. |
style | TextStyle | Optional styles to be applied to the Text component. | |
item | object | The data object representing the item. This object should contain all the necessary properties and methods related to the item. |
Pricing field of an item.
const [ItemPricing] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemPricing']);
<ItemPricing item={item} />;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
item | object | This object should contain a required property called price . It represents the data object related to the item. |
Field that shows the status of the item, which can be 'approved' or 'decline'. When item has extra.can_approve, it will show two button to approve and decline the item.
const [ItemPendingStatus] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemPendingStatus']);
<ItemPendingStatus item={item} />;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
item | object | This object should contain a required property called is_pending . It represents the data object related to the item. |
Field that shows the content of the item in HTML format.
const [ItemHtmlContent] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemHtmlContent']);
<ItemHtmlContent text={item.text} containerWidth={100} noBorder={true} />;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
text | string | The html content of the item.(required ) | |
noBorder | boolean | true | If set to true, the component will not have a border. |
containerWidth | number | 0 | The width of the container that will be used to render the component. |
Field that shows the status of the item, which can be 'approved' or 'decline'. When item has extra.can_approve, it will show two button to approve and decline the item.
const [ItemExternalLink] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemExternalLink']);
<ItemExternalLink item={item} />;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fontSize | number | small | The font size of the external link. Can be a number (e.g. 14) or a string (e.g. 'small'). |
style | ViewStyle | Optional containerStyle to be applied to component that displays the external link. | |
item | object | This object should contain a required property called external_link . It represents the data object related to the item. |
Field that shows the author of the item.
const [ItemAuthor] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemAuthor']);
Name | Type | Default | Description |
user | object | The user object associated with the item. | |
date | string | The creation date of the item. | |
owner | object | The owner of the item. | |
numberOfLines | number | Number of lines to display. | |
privacy | object | Privacy settings of the item, determining visibility and access permissions. |
Field that shows the categories of the item.
const [ItemCategories] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemCategories']);
Name | Type | Default | Description |
categories | object | The categories object associated with the item. | |
separator | string | , | The separator to use between each category. |
showLabel | boolean | true | Whether to show the category label. |
styles | object | Optional styles to be applied to the category container. | |
label | string | categories_colon | Optional label to be used for the category. |
isActive | boolean | false | Whether the category is active. |
onPress | function | Function to be called when a category is pressed. | |
numberOfLines | number | 0 | Number of lines to display. |
Field that shows the tags of the item.
const [ItemTags] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemTags']);
Name | Type | Default | Description |
label | string | topics_colon | Optional label to be used for the tags. |
tags | array | The tags object associated with the item. | |
module_name | string | The name of the module associated with the item. | |
resource_name | string | The name of the resource associated with the item. | |
styles | ViewStyle | Optional styles to be applied to the tags container. |
Field that shows the infor of the item.
const [ItemExtraInfo] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemExtraInfo']);
label={`${i18n.formatMessage({ id: 'year' })}: `}
Name | Type | Default | Description |
label | string | Optional label to be used for the extra info. | |
content | string | The extra info content associated with the item. |
Field that shows the date of the item.
const [ItemFormatDate] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemFormatDate']);
value={'new Date()'}
format="MMMM DD, yyyy"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | string | The date value to be formatted. | |
format | string | llll | The date format to be used. See (opens in a new tab). |
phrase | string | The phrase to be used for the date. | |
styles | TextStyle | The text style to be applied to the formatted date. |
Field that shows the reaction bar of the item.
const [ItemReactionBar] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemReactionBar']);
<ItemReactionBar item={item} />;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
item | object | The item object associated with the reaction bar. Must have one of the following properties: | |
extra.can_share or extra.can_like or extra.can_comment | |||
columnContentStyle | ViewStyle | The style to be applied to the reaction bar container. |
Field that shows the location of the item.
const [ItemLocation] = jsxBackend.all(['ui.ItemLocation']);
<ItemLocation item={item} />;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
item | object | The item object associated with the location. Must have one of the following properties: | |
location.address - The location address. | |||
containerStyle | ViewStyle | The style to be applied to the container of the location field. | |
fontSize | string | small | The font size of the location text. |
color | string | light | The color of the location text. |