When condition apply for filter menu, block, to check disabled, shown state of an component.
const when = ["truthy", "item.can_edit"];
** Nested Condtion **
const nestedWhen = [
["truthy", "item.can_edit"],
["falsy", "item.can_delete"],
const nestedWhenOr = [
["truthy", "item.can_edit"],
["falsy", "item.can_delete"],
Support Rules
- truthy
- falsy
- equals
- notEquals
- strictEquals
- notStrictEquals
- lessThan
- lessOrEquals
- greater
- greaterOrEquals
- lengthEquals
- lengthGreater
- lengthLess
- lengthGreaterOrEquals
- lengthLessOrEquals
- oneOf
- exists
- notExists
// true
when({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, [
["equals", "a", 1],
["equals", "b", "2"],
["equals", "c", "3"],
// true
when({ a: 1, b: 2, c: [1, 2, 3] }, ["lengthGreaterOrEquals", "c", 3]);
// false
when({ a: 1, b: 2, c: [1, 2, 3] }, ["lengthGreaterOrEquals", "c", 2]);
** Menu Items **
// file web.menu
return [
'showWhen' => [
['truthy', 'item.is_pending'],
['truthy', 'item.extra.can_approve'],
'menu' => 'blog.blog.detailActionMenu',
'name' => 'approve',
'label' => 'blog::phrase.approve',
'ordering' => 4,
'value' => 'approveItem',
'icon' => 'ico-check-circle-o',