Load Reduce

Load Reduce

Reducing number of database queries using array cache (cache lifetime within request lifecycle).


Register reducer

class PackageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register the service provider.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->callAfterResolving('reducer', function ($reducer) {


Using union to pick data

namespace MetaFox\Saved\Support;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use MetaFox\Platform\Contracts\HasSavedItem;
use MetaFox\Platform\Contracts\User;
use MetaFox\Platform\LoadReduce\Reducer;
class LoadMissingIsSaved
     * @param  User       $context
     * @param  Reducer    $reducer
     * @return array|null
    public function after($context, $reducer): ?array
        $userId = $context?->userId();
        $items  = $reducer->entities()
            ->filter(fn ($x) => $x instanceof HasSavedItem && $x->entityType() !== 'feed')
            ->map(fn ($x) => [$x->entityType(), $x->entityId()]);
        if ($items->isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        $key = fn ($type, $id) => sprintf('saved::exists(user:%s,%s:%s)', $userId, $type, $id);
        $data = $items->reduce(function ($carry, $x) use ($key) {
            $carry[$key($x[0], $x[1])] = false;
            return $carry;
        }, []);
        /** @var Builder $query */
        $query = $items->map(function ($x) use ($userId) {
            return DB::table('saved_items')
                ->select(['item_id', 'item_type'])
                    'user_id'   => $userId,
                    'item_type' => $x[0],
                    'item_id'   => $x[1],
        })->reduce(function ($carry, $x) {
            return $carry ? $carry->union($x) : $x;
        return $query->get()
            ->reduce(function ($carry, $x) use ($key) {
                $carry[$key($x->item_type, $x->item_id)] = true;
                return $carry;
            }, $data);

Check is saved

class IsSavedItem implements PolicyRuleInterface
    public function check(string $entityType, User $user, $resource, $newValue = null): ?bool
        if (!$resource instanceof HasSavedItem) {
            return false;
        return LoadReduce::remember(
            sprintf('saved::exists(user:%s,%s:%s)', $user->userId(), $resource->entityType(), $resource->entityId()),
            fn () => resolve(SavedRepositoryInterface::class)->checkIsSaved(

Best practise

// DON'T use eager loading for finding one. It's can duplicate query.
$blog = $this
            ->with(['user', 'userEntity', 'categories', 'activeCategories', 'attachments'])


Sample migration total pending comments

INSERT INTO core_item_statistics (item_id, item_type)
SELECT A.item_id, A.item_type
FROM comments as A
         LEFT JOIN core_item_statistics as B
                   ON A.item_id = B.item_id AND A.item_type = B.item_type
WHERE B.item_type is null
GROUP BY A.item_id, A.item_type;


WITH B as (SELECT item_id, item_type, count(*) as aggregate
           FROM comments
           WHERE is_approved = 0
             AND parent_id =0
           GROUP BY item_id, item_type)
UPDATE core_item_statistics as A
SET total_pending_comment = B.aggregate
WHERE B.item_id = A.item_id
  AND B.item_type = A.item_type;


UPDATE core_item_statistics A
    select item_id, item_type, count(*) as aggregate
           from comments
           where is_approved=0 and parent_id = 0
           group by item_id, item_type
) as B ON(B.item_id = A.item_id and B.item_type=A.item_type)
SET A.total_pending_comment = B.aggregate

Depends on database driver to run migration scripts

use \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
$driver = DB::getDriverName();
if ($driver == 'pgsql') {
} elseif ($driver == 'mysql') {