
Basic Routing

MetaFox platform supports RESTful API routes.

Routing defines the way how platform resolve URI request info into Controller action, Generally, you can define routes of your app package in the routes/api.php for frontend api and routes/api-amin.php for admincp apis.

This file re-uses Laravel Routing system at package-level, for futher information read out laravel routing (opens in a new tab)


 * File name packages/metafox/blog/src/routes/api.php
 * This file defines route that begin at /api/{ver}/ prefix
// define namespace of main controller api gateway
namespace MetaFox\Blog\Http\Controllers\Api;
// use laravel routing
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
Route::controller(BlogController::class) // register controller
  ->group(function () {
      Route::patch('blog/sponsor/{id}', 'sponsor');
      Route::patch('blog/feature/{id}', 'feature');
      Route::patch('blog/approve/{id}', 'approve');
      Route::put('blog/publish/{id}', 'publish');
Route::resource('blog', BlogController::class);


namespace MetaFox\Group\Http\Controllers\Api;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
    ->as('admin') // add this prefix to prevent dulicated route names with blog resource in `api.php`
    ->resource('category', CategoryAdminController::class);

Route Method

// define route with http GET request
Route::get($uri, $callback);
//define route with http POST request
Route::post($uri, $callback);
//define route with http PUT request
Route::put($uri, $callback);
// define route with http PATCH request
Route::patch($uri, $callback);
 //define route with http POST request
Route::delete($uri, $callback);
//define route with http OPTION request
Route::options($uri, $callback);

In above source code, naming convention of \$callback is ControllerClassName@methodName

For example Route::patch('blog/sponsor/{id}', 'BlogController@sponsor'); will dispatch the specified route to controller BlogController in namespace MetaFox\Blog\Http\Controllers\Api with method sponsor.

Route Group

To organize API routes for better readibility, Laravel supports group of routes, using Route::group method.

For examples, all routes in the route group have the same Controller namespace, middleware and prefix.

    'namespace'  => __NAMESPACE__, // define all of controller
    'middleware' => 'auth:api',
    'prefix'=> 'blog'
], function () {
  // all sub route have namespace

Route Resource

Routing for RESTful API requests has a short method Route::resouce($uri, $callback)

Route::resource('blog', 'BlogController');

// it is the same to

Route::get('blog', 'BlogController@index');
Route::get('blog/{id}', 'BlogController@show');
Route::delete('blog/{id}', 'BlogController@destroy');
Route::post('blog/{id}', 'BlogController@store');
Route::put('blog/{id}', 'BlogController@update');

Route Cache

To optimize performance, Laravel keeps all routes in route cache. To apply new routes, you need to run php artisan command as below

# clear routes cache
php artisan route:cache
# checkout routes
php artisan route:list

Route Parameters

Sometimes, you will need to capture segments of the URI within a route. For example, you may need to get a user's ID from the URL, you can define route parameters within {id}. If the parameters is optional and question mark (?) after id.

For example

// api.php
  ->get('/user/{id}', 'show');
  ->get('/user/info/{id?}', 'info');
// UserController.php
class UserController {
  // get id=1 for /user/1
  function show(int $id){
  // get id=1 for /user/info/1
  // id=null for /user/info
  function info(?int $id){

You can define multiple parameters, including both required and optional ones, for a certain route also. For example: we will define a route with required parameter postId and optional parameter commentId as below

  ->get('/user/{postId}/comments/{comemntId?}', 'view');

API Versioning

In real world, when you have a long-time project with multiple versions released, the platform wraps all routes defined in api.php within a prefix /api/{ver}. Parameter {ver} will be passed to Controller action to help us define correct response base on the given version.